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Pros and cons of remote monitoring and management

August 15th, 2022 | 3 min. read

By Jordan Pioth

Person on a Mac PC

If you have your network managed by someone else or are looking to outsource your network, you may have heard of RMM. RMM or remote monitoring and management helps keep your network secure and working properly.

RMM is when your managed service provider manages your network from a remote location. Remote monitoring and management helps make sure your network is running properly and is secure.

When you have your network outsourced from a provider, your provider’s remote locations have access to your network from their computer.

It is in this way that they can constantly monitor your network and make sure that your network is constantly secure.

If you have your network outsourced and managed by a provider, chances are your network is remotely monitored and managed already.

If you do not have your network constantly monitored, you may not be alerted when your network is vulnerable to cyber-attacks or data breaches.

Here at Coeo, we monitor and manage thousands of clients’ networks and keep them secure. We also want all organizations to make the best decision possible when it comes to doing what’s best for their network.

By the end of this article, you will know what RMM is, the pros and cons of RMM, and if RMM is a good fit for your organization.

What is RMM?

Remote monitoring and management (RMM) allows a network provider to handle outsourced tasks.

This allows a network provider to have access to any client’s network from anywhere with an internet connection.

It also makes it much easier and more efficient when your network needs to be updated and faster to get rid of threats if one is detected.

Unless your managed service provider offers onsite servicing, it can be difficult to give them access to your network.

Without your provider being on the premises of your organization, it can be difficult for them to manage and monitor your network efficiently.

It would be hard for a managed service provider to continue to manage and monitor a client’s network without RMM. Especially if the provider is not onsite on the client’s premises or if the client and provider are not located near each other.

Pros of RMM

There are quite a few pros to remote monitoring and management that can help you improve your network performance and security.

●      No location problems

One of the biggest advantages of remote monitoring and management is that location between the client and the provider does not matter.

You could be outsourcing your network to a provider thousands of miles away and there would be no worries because your managed service provider would have access to your computer and network from anywhere with an internet connection.

●      Convenience to having your network managed

Of course, having your network managed by someone else is going to be more convenient for you. Everyone has a job to do and it can be hard to get everything that is needed to get done as it is without having to worry about extra tasks.

While you could manage your own network, it can be difficult to do if you don’t have the time to do it or if you don’t have the experience to know how to do it properly.

Instead of managing your own network, you could rely on a managed service provider to manage it for you using remote monitoring and management.

●      Compatibility with many devices

Many providers can work with all kinds of devices when it comes to managing the network. Most of your devices including phones, laptops, and even printers and routers can download the RMM software.

●      Patch management

Patch management is the process of updating software to correct errors and prevent future issues when it comes to data breaches and cyber-attacks.

This process patches holes that your network could have to prevent it from being vulnerable.

Cons of RMM

Where there are pros there are also cons and there are a few cons to using remote monitoring and management.

●      Trust

If your provider isn’t trustworthy, you could run into issues like data leaks or transparency issues.

When looking for a provider, you must find a trustworthy and fully transparent organization that will be honest with you and allow you to see what is going on.

Remember, you're putting your organization’s network in this provider’s hands and you want them to do as good a job as they can while keeping you in the loop at the same time.

●      Reliability

If something were to go wrong within your network or maybe you just need to reach your provider for any particular reason, you want them to be able to get back to you at a reasonable time.

If your network goes down and you can’t get a hold of your company for hours, you’re not able to work efficiently so picking a reliable partner is important.

Should I be using RMM for my network?

Now you have learned all about RMM, the pros and cons, and have a better idea of whether or not you want to rely on RMM for your network.

If you want your network to constantly be secure and managed to your liking without having to manage it, you may want to consider RMM.

Here at Coeo, we continue to remotely monitor and manage the networks of many clients. We take pride in being transparent with our current and future customers and giving them information on all things Coeo and telecommunications related.

If you would like to speak with our team to learn more about RMM and other forms of network security or ask any questions you may have you can schedule an appointment. TALK TO AN EXPERT

Read these articles below to learn more about network security:

Jordan Pioth

When he's not creating content for Coeo, Jordan loves to watch sports, hang out with friends and family, and anything sneaker-related.