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What Kind of Latency Can I Expect From Coeo?

November 18th, 2022 | 4 min. read

By Jordan Pioth

Person working on a laptop

If you are looking to purchase a service from Coeo, you should know the latency that you can expect before purchasing that particular service.

Without knowing the latency you can expect, you may be frustrated if it’s too high for your organization’s needs.

High latency is something that no customer wants to experience so knowing what to expect before purchasing a service will give you a better idea of what service is best for you.

Once you know the latency that you can expect, you can make the best decision on our network services such as SD-WAN.

Coeo aims to educate you on everything telecommunications and Coeo-related. We want to be fully transparent with you so you can make the best decision on our products for your company.

By the end of this article, you will know what latency is, the factors that affect Coeo’s latency, and how to improve or combat it.

What is latency?

Latency in network communications and telecommunications is the time it takes for data to travel from one point to another. Typically, customers want their latency, to be as close to zero as possible.

High latency happens when data packets do not arrive in a timely fashion or take longer than normal to arrive. Conversely, low latency means data packets arrive quickly and efficiently from one point to another.

High latency can be easily noticed and dramatically changes your user experience. You may notice or experience high latency when you're browsing the internet, on a voice call, or on a video conference call.

Increased web page load times, unloadable web pages, interrupted audio or video streams, as well as an unloadable application, can all be signs of internet latency.

High voice call latency can make the voice on calls sound robotic, cut out audio, or even disconnect the call altogether.

Frozen pictures, pixelated video, or delays in audio when the audio and video do not align, can all point to signs of video call latency.

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Factors that affect Coeo’s latency

There are a few factors that affect Coeo’s latency including overutilization of bandwidth, outdated equipment, and long distance between endpoints.

Overutilization of bandwidth

Most service providers apply data caps that limit customers from using excessive amounts of data. When you are overutilizing your bandwidth, you may start to see high latency issues.

If you use more than or close to the maximum cap that you have purchased with Coeo, you will start to notice slower speeds during both your calling and internet browsing.

If you reach or use more than your bandwidth limit for the month you may notice call breakups or drops and slower webpage load times or delays.

Outdated equipment

Technology is constantly improving with more devices having access to the internet with faster speeds.

If you have older equipment, you may not be able to access the network as fast causing you to experience high latency.

Coeo constantly improves and changes its equipment catalog to always offer customers the newest, and most reliable products.

If your existing equipment or older Coeo equipment is causing you high latency, you can switch it out for new equipment.

The long distance between endpoints

Another factor that could result in high latency with Coeo is the long distance between endpoints. This can be experienced while browsing the internet and over voice and video calls.

If you are on your computer in New York, for example, and are trying to access a website hosted by a server located in California, you might experience high latency resulting in a much slower response time than if you were to access a server in Maine.

The same is true for voice and video calls. If you and your call recipient’s locations are too far away from each other, you can experience high latency especially if you are calling internationally.

How to improve latency with Coeo

There are a few different ways that you can improve latency with Coeo. Reaching out to Coeo directly, switching your connection type, and upgrading your bandwidth are all ways that you can improve latency.

Reach out to Coeo

One of the easiest ways to improve latency is to reach out to Coeo directly. Our team knows what to look for and can determine what the issue with latency is and fix it.

Switching your connection type

If you are experiencing high latency, you may want to look into your connection type.

If your network is connected over the public internet, you may experience higher latency than if you were connected over a private dedicated circuit.

Connecting your network over a private dedicated circuit will help lower your latency. You can also improve or combat high latency by switching to a DSL, Broadband, Cable, or Fiber connection rather than satellite.

Upgrading to higher bandwidth

As stated previously, if you use too much of your maximum amount of bandwidth, you could experience higher latency. This is true for both call services and the internet.

It is recommended that you use less than 80% of the maximum amount you can use. If you use anything more than that you may start to notice high latency.

If you see yourself using 80% or more of your bandwidth on a monthly basis, you may want to upgrade to higher bandwidth to improve latency problems.

Next steps to purchasing from Coeo

Now you know what latency is, the factors that affect Coeo’s latency, and how to improve latency.

This will enable you to set better expectations when it comes to Coeo’s network latency and make a better decision for your company when it comes to purchasing from Coeo.

Before you purchase a service from Coeo, you want to be prepared for what could go wrong with latency, and after reading this article, you will know what to do if you experience high latency with Coeo.

If you would like to speak with our team to learn more about latency or ask any questions you may have you can schedule an appointment. TALK TO AN EXPERT

Now you know what kind of latency you can expect from Coeo. Read this article to learn how Coeo secures its network so you can feel relief knowing your data is safe with us:

Jordan Pioth

When he's not creating content for Coeo, Jordan loves to watch sports, hang out with friends and family, and anything sneaker-related.