The Benefits of Working With a Managed Service Provider (MSP)
February 26th, 2024 | 4 min. read
By Jordan Pioth

If your organization is using a poor-performing network or is having difficulty managing your network solutions, it can lead to poor network connectivity and weak security.
A poor-performing network can also result in decreased employee productivity and network vulnerabilities that lead to cyberattacks that often cost your organization hundreds of thousands of dollars to repair your network.
Because of these consequences, it is important that all organizations prioritize reliable network performance.
Fortunately, there are many network solutions available to organizations that can optimize network performance and enhance security. However, it can be difficult to determine which solution is the best choice for your organization.
Coeo understands how important reliable network connectivity and security are to an organization and has delivered thousands of solutions to organizations to improve their network connectivity and security to help them avoid cyberattacks.
By the end of this article, you will understand what a Managed Service Provider is, the benefits of working with one, and whether a Managed Service Provider is the right fit for your organization.
What is a Managed Service Provider (MSP)
A Managed Service Provider (MSP) is a third-party partner that operates and manages a customer’s IT infrastructure and network.
MSPs manage network infrastructure and data daily to ensure that the network is always up to date and optimized for the best performance and security possible to avoid network connectivity and security issues.
MSPs enable organizations to improve their network infrastructure without having to worry about extended downtime, optimize their network, and manage their network while still focusing on daily work tasks and other business initiatives.
An MSP can also be referred to as a Cloud Service Provider. Today, more and more organizations are utilizing cloud services to improve their network productivity and security by leveraging managed service providers.
Because of this, Managed Service Provider and Cloud Service Provider have become interchangeable titles. MSPs typically work as an extension of an IT team.
An MSP typically begins the process of working with an organization by having the organization fill out a network assessment to determine where the network needs improvement.
From there, the MSP and organization determine the network services that are best fit for their infrastructure and are then deployed out to the organization and managed by the provider.
Coeo offers a free network assessment on our homepage. Check out our network assessment to see how your network stacks up against your competitors.
Some providers, like Coeo, also offer a co-managed solution enabling your organization to be involved in the management of the solution by leveraging the skills you have internally and the resources you have available to devote to this process.
The benefits of working with a Managed Service Provider
A Managed Service Provider can provide many benefits to an organization including:
IT expertise
Some organizations do not have internal IT expertise. This makes it difficult when your organization is trying to optimize and maintain your network without any specialized knowledge of the solution.
An MSP typically has a team of experts with specialized skills who can manage your solution for you. This team acts as an extension of your organization’s team and is available to answer any questions or concerns your organization has about its network.
Cost savings
Another benefit of working with an MSP is the cost savings that can be achieved. If your organization is managing your network infrastructure internally, the cost of an internal IT team can be expensive.
However, working with an MSP will enable you to save money since you will not have to compensate an entire IT staff.
MSPs typically offer a full range of products and services at a fixed monthly cost enabling your organization to save money and budget appropriately.
Ability to focus on other business initiatives
Having your network managed by your MSP enables your organization to focus on other business initiatives. Managing your network internally can be time-consuming and distract from other key initiatives.
Improved network performance and security
Having an MSP manage your network will ensure network performance and security improvement. An MSP provides deep IT expertise and ensures that your network will perform well by preventing network vulnerabilities and downtime.
Is an MSP the right fit for your organization?
Now you understand what a Managed Service Provider (MSP) is and some of the benefits of working with one. However, it is also important that your organization understands whether an MSP is the right fit for your organization.
If your organization is struggling with poor network performance or security, an MSP might be the right solution for your organization.
Additionally, if your organization does not have an IT team to manage your network or your IT team is currently focused on other initiatives, an MSP can manage your network to ensure it functions properly.
Further, an MSP can reduce IT compensation expenses and lower your overall IT budget.
However, if your organization already has a reliable network or has an internal IT team to manage your network, an MSP may not be the right fit for your organization.
Determining whether a Managed Service Provider is the right fit for your organization
Now you understand what a Managed Service Provider is, the benefits of working with one, and whether it is the best choice for your organization. This will help you determine if your organization should transition to an MSP.
Organizations can’t operate effectively with a poor-performing network or with a network that is poorly managed leading to network connectivity issues and other vulnerabilities.
Poor network connectivity can also lead to decreased employee productivity and vulnerabilities that lead to cyberattacks. These cyberattacks can cost your organization hundreds of thousands of dollars to repair the affected network.
For this reason, reliable network performance should be a top priority for any organization to avoid these problems.
However, with so many network solutions available on the market and a variety of ways to manage these solutions in your network so it can be difficult for you to determine which one is best for your organization.
Coeo understands how important reliable network performance is to an organization and has delivered and managed thousands of network solutions for organizations to improve their network performance and security.
We want you to understand the benefits of working with MSPs so you can determine whether an MSP is the best choice for your organization.
If you would like to speak with our team to learn more about MSPs or other solutions that can improve your network performance or ask any questions you may have you can schedule an appointment.
Now that you understand what MSPs are, their benefits, and whether they are the best choice for your organization, read this article to learn about Coeo’s co-managed SD-WAN solution:
When he's not creating content for Coeo, Jordan loves to watch sports, hang out with friends and family, and anything sneaker-related.